Carol Witteveen Belair at her family stable stand beside a majestic black horse in a serene outdoor setting.
Friesian Horse Breeding Expertise


Since 1986 Carol Witteveen Belair at her family stable along with her father, became known as experts in the field of Friesian horses. Together they bred and imported hundreds of Friesian horses over the decades and fine tuned their breeding program. Carol spent many years dedicating herself to the equine industry that has led to the breeding of numerous 1st Premie Champions, Kroon mares and the renowned FHANA/KFPS approved breeding stallion Michael 442. This achievement is a testament to Carols dedication, expertise and hard work in the field of Friesian horse breeding. It is highly uncommon for a breeder to produce a stallion that meets the high KFPS standards and her success in this endeavor is truly remarkable.

While Carol and her husband now reside in Florida, her passion lies in assisting others in breeding their mares and passing on her expertise to produce the best possible bloodlines for future generations.

Friesian Horse Breeding Expertise

“In the 1990s I met Carol and her father when they came to the Netherlands to purchase horses. Carols dedication to the equine industry is in the challenging area of Friesian horse breeding and reproduction for the purpose of improving the excellence of the breed within the limited gene pool. I can assure you that Carol of Witteveen FRIESIANS is held in very high-regard as an Internationally known Friesian horse Breeder/Genealogist/Advisor. Over thirty years I observed while Carol bred and raised some of the best bloodlines worldwide and produced many Champions within the Friesian breed. It was in 2008 that Carols breeding work was awarded with the GREATEST achievement with the Approval of FHANA/KFPS Approved Breeding Stallion Michael 442 with WORLDWIDE breeding rights. This is a momentous accomplishment!”

Anne Okkema, Stal Okkema

“I had the pleasurable experience of working with Carol of Witteveen FRIESIANS at her stable in 2006. I witnessed the dedication she put into breeding the Friesian mares, starting with the genealogy research of stallion selection for each individual mare making sure the genetic combination was the absolute best for superior offspring. She would follow the mares estrous cycles with her Ultrasound and determine the optimum moment of ovulation and pinpoint the exact timing for ovulation. She would then order semen from the selected stallion and upon its arrival perform the artificial insemination on the mares. Post insemination she would ultrasound to confirm pregnancy. Her meticulous focus to breed excellence for future generations is superior and well respected within the Friesian equine Industry. To achieve this level of success is the highest honor within the Friesian Horse Industry that a very small percentage achieve due to the very strict KFPS standards with the limited gene pool!

Jelmer Chardon, Stal Chardon

“This breeding achievement is a milestone which only a VERY small percentage <1% WORLDWIDE achieve. This award is recognition of the breeding/genealogy ability Carol Witteveen Belair has demonstrated with her dedication to the highest breeding excellence”

Elizabeth Sharpe Past FHANA President

“To successfully breed an approved Friesian stallion is an achievement all breeders seek to obtain. To acquire this rare achievement, is the most highly recognized National and International award within the Friesian Horse Industry.”

Kathryn Blain

“Carol has used meticulous genealogy research within her breeding program to reach this level of success which only a small few achieve when hundreds of stallions are shown to the Inspection judges annually. This breed was almost extinct altogether but with focused breeding and perseverance the breed is now once again thriving. It is not without people like Carol and Witteveen FRIESIANS that this breed still exists and is prospering today.”

Ids Hellinga, International Research Liaison Fenway Foundation